Lifespan Faith Formation
Children & Youth Program
Faith Formation Classes are offered for two different age groups: Preschool/Elementary and Middle/High School (also known as Youth). We meet on the first and third Sundays of the month. All ages begin Sunday morning in the sanctuary for the beginning of worship service at 10:30am, then will be invited to their classrooms. Classes will end by 11:45am.
Please register your family (if new) or update your family registration if you completed one last year. You will need to be logged in to your Google account, or create a Google log-in if you don’t yet have one. Then use this link: Family Registration. If you registered last year, scroll down past the “You’ve Already Responded” messages until you see the “Edit Your Response” link and proceed from there. For any questions, please contact our RE Committee Chair.
Volunteers Needed
Enjoy working with children? Adult volunteers are needed for the preschool/elementary class and/or nursery. Open positions include assistant teachers, story readers and activity leaders, such as leading painting or arts and crafts. Please complete an adult volunteer application either by using the Online Form or by paper form (located outside classroom door). The application includes Covid vaccination verification and permission for background check.

Adult Program
Soul Matters
Adult Faith Formation, or spiritual development for adults, has been called other names at UUCFW. We’ve used Sacred Seekers, Small Group Ministry, as well as Covenant Groups. Currently we are using the curriculum Soul Matters.
While the monthly group conversations are a gift, spiritual development is not a once-a-month thing. Soul Matters is designed with monthly packets that provide extensive recommended readings, poetry, quotes and multimedia on the monthly worship theme. Meetings are to share our experiences with the packet, and groups meet for approximately two hours.
Many of us come to church cut off from our deepest selves and hungry to mend these sacred connections that get frayed and torn. Soul Matters exists to support this journey of reconnection to life, others and ourselves. As the Participant Guide states, “Yes, you will encounter meaningful discussions and stimulating exchange of ideas. Yes, you will discover new friends. But, in the end, this is about recovering wholeness and the journey back home.”
Watch this space to find out when the next round of groups are forming.